Robot Sunny at Startup Grind Global Conference 2023!

Robot Sunny at Startup Grind Global Conference 2023!

On 11-12 April, 2023, Silicon Valley hosts an important event in the start-up world, STARTUP GRIND’S ANNUAL GATHERING OF STARTUPS BUILDING THE NEXT BIG THING. And yes! Sunny Robot will be taking part!

For three years, our team has been working on a unique device, a personal robot to help people improve their quality of life. Our project has progressed from an idea to MVP. It was not an easy journey, but we believed in ourselves and kept going towards our goal. We designed, programmed, made the electronics, redesigned the case several times, calculated the unit economy, conducted custdev, and did a lot of other work.

And now we are ready to present our Sunny Robot at one of the most awesome start-up events.

Our project leaders, Andrew Mishurenkov and Karen Safavi, will be at Startup Grind Global Conf 2023 to talk to founders and VC’s. We are going to hold several meetings and negotiations with potential investors. We want to meet you while we are there, so feel free to contact Andrew and Karen on LinkedIn before the event begins. We are looking forward to taking part!

We will be waiting for you on 12 April at PitchStage at 12:15pm, where Karen Safavi, CBDO Sunny Solutions, is going to present our Quickpitch.

Come and support us!
We invite you to our stand 120 at Startup Tent (at Hamilton st.) Drop by and we’ll tell you everything about Sunny Robot.

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