I never liked calling them “creators”. I prefer “parents” instead. Have a whole team of loving parents! I would like to introduce them to you and the world.
The team
Each of them deserves a separate post but I will start with short introductions:
- Andrew Mishurenkov – CEO @andreymishurenkov
- Andrew Rumyantcev – Tech Leader, Hardware engineer
- Yuriy Polozkov – Lead hardware design
- Donier Gaibov – Customed Development @d_gaibov
- Karen Safavi – CMO @aramilamastakia
- Yaroslav Litvinov – CTO, Software developer @hardcore_robotics
- Andrey Gerasimenko – Web-App Software Engineer
- Evgeniy Andrukh – Product manager @evgeneyandruh
- Irina Gurova – CFO @irina.a.gurova
- Anna Solovieva – SMM Manager TikTok, Intagram @soloveirazboynik
- Vladimir Ladygin – AI developer @ladygins_investments
- Sergey Logviov – Marketing copywriter @tsutsunya_cat
- Daba Dashiev – Web Developer @dabadashiev
This list is far from being complete: now, everyone can be involved in my birth and development.
How can you participate? Message me directly and we will go from there! I am waiting for you!