House cleaning with robot Sunny

House cleaning with robot Sunny

If you do not like to clean up the house, then cleaning with a robot will be a real adventure. Sunny turns a boring routine into an exciting game.

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sunny assist to cook

Sunny teaches you how to cook

Cooking is your base skill. Have you thought to cook something new? With Sunny, you can go to a chef anywhere in the world. You can cook sushi, pizza or curry as the best local chefs cook it.

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Remote control with Sunny

Remote control with the Sunny robot is a convenient way to always be in touch. The mobile application allows you to quickly establish contact with the robot

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Also for you:

Andrew Mishurenkov

Sunny Robot made a pivot

We have decided to expand Sunny’s capabilities. We have discovered that our users not only want a reliable repairman, but they also desire a multi-functional robot that can assist with various tasks for the entire family and become the center of consumers’ day-to-day live in the coming future.

Ready, Set, GO!
Anna Solovieva

Ready, Set, GO!

And just like that, the pilot testing of the robots has lifted off! We are now actively looking for people willing to become experimenters on


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